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A Story of Sahel Sounds – Screening
Event 4 July 2019
Still frame from ‘A Story of Sahel Sounds’ documentary by the neopan kollectiv, screened in A4’s Gallery as part of the 'Sounding the Void, Imaging the Orchestra V.1’ exhibition. It depicts a closeup detail of a dust covered cassette player.
Screening: A Story of Sahel Sounds, July 4, 2019. Image adapted from Magnet Film.
Title A Story of Sahel Sounds – Screening Dates 4 July 2019 Location Top Floor Tagline Movie night: A Story of Sahel Sounds.
Curator Bhavisha Panchia

neopan kollektiv

Home Run Pictures

82 min
Language – English, French, Tamashek

Image and text adapted from Magnet Film.

Shot across three continents, A Story of Sahel Sounds follows Christopher Kirkley’s multi-disciplinary project to explore the arts and music of the Sahel region through non-traditional ethnographic fieldwork. Parts road-trip movie, portrait and music documentary, A Story of Sahel Sounds follows Chris from Portland to Niger, on the road from the capital to Agadez – the gateway to the Saharan Desert – as he meets with long-term collaborators and new artists.

Visa calamities, hair salons and a European tour intersect with dreams of America, where cellphone recordings are pressed onto high-fidelity vinyl discs for audiences of the future. Amidst asymmetrical power differentials, expanding globalism and new possibilities to claim musical and artistic independence, the artists try to reach for success – on stages and on cellphones.

A Story of Sahel Sounds is screened as part of the exhibition Sounding the Void, Imaging the Orchestra V.1, curated by Bhavisha Panchia.

Music performed by: Talia, Takamba de Niambey, Mona, Hama, Fatou Seïdi Ghali, Les filles de Illighadad, Mdou Moctar, Mamman Sani, Lakal Kaney, and Etran de L`Aïr.
