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Exhibition 7–21 April 2022
Installation photograph from the ‘mode(l)’ exhibition in A4’s Goods project space, that depicts a pin board with research material assembled by curator Nkhensani Mkhari.
Installation view: mode(l) curated by Nkhensani Mkhari, April 7, 2022–April 21, 2022. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Title mode(l) Dates 7–21 April 2022 Location Goods Tagline Project space Goods holds preparatory work towards a forthcoming exhibition.
Curator Nkhensani Mkhari

Bonolo Kavula
Gio Rech
Thelma Ndebele
Kyle Morland
Meghan Ho-Tong

The map is not the territory.
  Alfred Korzybski

The menu is not the food. 
– Alan Watts

In the April edition of Goods, A4 Assistant Curator Nkhensani Mkhari shares their curatorial process towards the forthcoming exhibition Model. Using the project space as a first base for research, they invite work from Gio Rech, Thelma Ndebele, Kyle Morland, Meghan Ho-Tong, and Bonolo Kavula that includes architectural plans, miniatures, texts, maps, diagrams, and unresolved artworks.

How do practitioners make use of models in their work – as tools to generate new ideas? As places for play, risk, and comfortable mistake-making on the way to realising a project? Contemporary artists typically embrace the model, freeing it from its narrowly framed, practical framework, altering its approach towards intention and outcome and giving it new meaning.

The exhibition, Model, will inhabit A4’s Reading Room in the third quarter of 2022. Prototyping in Goods, Nkhensani shares preparatory work, gathers material through interactions with visitors, and models the exhibition. 

Installation view: mode(l) curated by Nkhensani Mkhari, April 7, 2022–April 21, 2022. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.