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Lindokuhle Sobekwa
Residency 5 October–14 December 2020
Lindokuhle Sobekwa’s photograph ‘Mzwandile on rehabilitation’ (2019) depicts a person standing in a house’s front yard steadying themselves against a tree branch.
Process: Image from Lindokuhle Sobekwa’s residency, October 5–December 14, 2020. Image courtesy of the artist.
Title Lindokuhle Sobekwa Dates 5 October–14 December 2020 Location Resident's Studio Tagline Lindokuhle Sobekwa attends to images of home, land and longing. Credits

Mikhael Subotzky
Medeine Tribinevicius

For his residency at A4, Lindokuhle Sobekwa invites his earlier work into conversation with more recent projects that he might trace the thematic line that carries through his photographs. In consolidating a new series, Ezilalini (In the Country), he extends considerations of fragmentation and displacement to his archive of images. Reflecting on his own sense of ‘unbelonging’ when visiting his familial homestead in rural Transkei – far from his home of Thokoza in Gauteng – Lindokuhle finds echoes of this estrangement transcribed on the landscape. Such estrangement appears implicit in past projects too, among them the artist’s series on nyaope (a street drug) and the low-income suburb of Daleside, as well as his elegy to an absent sister, I carry her photo with me.

Lindokuhle’s time at A4 will be spent researching and revisiting new and existing work, experimenting with the photographic object, and exploring storytelling strategies. His residency will culminate with an exhibition in the space.
