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Rope prints from Knots, a conversation between Igshaan Adams and Josh Ginsburg
Cabinet: Rope prints from Knots, a conversation between Igshaan Adams and Josh Ginsburg. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.
Title Rope prints from Knots, a conversation between Igshaan Adams and Josh Ginsburg Type Ephemera

On the occasion of Knots, which marked the end of Igshaan Adam's Open Production in A4's Gallery, listeners were invited to tie knots in short lengths of rope, which were then dipped in ink and pressed onto paper to create prints.

Event photograph from ‘Knots’, a conversation between Igshaan Adams and Josh Ginsburg, marking the close of ‘Open Production’, Adams’ hybrid studio/exhibition in A4’s Gallery. At the reception desk, A4 staff members facilitate an interactive exchange where attendees can create artworks by using threads dipped in dye as a drawing medium.
Event: Knots, a conversation with Igshaan Adams, November 12, 2020. Image courtesy of A4 Arts Foundation.