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Love’s Body
Jo Ractliffe
Artwork 1997
Jo Ractliffe’s photographic print ‘Love’s Body’ depicts the face of a deceased dog protruding from a blanket in a partially uncovered dirt grave.
Artwork: Jo Ractliffe, Love’s Body (1997). Perspex print, lightbox. 82 x 82 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Stevenson.
Artist Jo Ractliffe Title Love's Body Date 1997 Materials Perspex print, lightbox Dimensions 82 x 82 cm Credit Courtesy of the artist and Stevenson

When Francisco Berzunza asked Jo Ractliffe to suggest an artwork to be included in You to Me, Me to You at A4, he had in mind a photograph Ractliffe had taken in Oaxaca of the curator standing together with his friend and collaborator, Dario Yazbek Bernal. Listening closely to what underpinned the proposed exhibition, Ractliffe instead brought out Love’s Body. Berzunza chose to place the work into a raised structure – reminiscent, perhaps, of a tomb. Above Love’s Body, he placed a photograph by Manuel Alvarez Bravo, and at the work’s back, Diego Rivera’s mural The Protestor as photographed by Tina Modotti.

An excerpt from a conversation with Jo Ractliffe (JR), Josh Ginsburg (JG), and Francisco Berzunza (FB), held in person and online in preparation for You to Me, Me to You, 1 June 2023:

J.R. He was only ten years old. It was inexplicable. I remember waking up in the morning, and he was lying outside on the stoep. He was dead. It was an incredible shock. And I remember that, within a few hours, he was buried. Stephen and his dad dug this big hole, and it was all over very quickly. I was never alone with him. I didn’t have that kind of moment, of parting... I suppose when you lose something or someone very special. He was so present in various parts of my life over the last ten years, spatially – the way that I moved in the house, in the garden, so much in my life was governed by his great big body. Even my work. I decided to photograph him. I’d always argued that photographs were fundamentally separate from the real. That the photograph couldn’t stand in for experience.

J.G. There’s something, formally, about this image with its blanket, that is particular. How was it constructed?

J.R. I photographed with a twin-lens reflex. And I’m above looking down, so I have to invert my camera. It’s almost shot upside down. And it’s a square format, which means it’s quite balanced in that way, centralised. It’s shot on slide film, which has a much more saturated colour. And there’s that Joburg red earth, which has a very particular quality. It’s quite lush in that way – a kind of visceral red, that Joburg earth.

J.G. The image, in some way, allowed you to let go of Gus, knowing you had something to carry, to show others.

J.R. What I was doing wasn’t very different from the ways that people have long dealt with grief, particularly in the early days of photography. It was quite ordinary – though maybe not so much now – to photograph your dead… It’s a way of thinking about the photograph, not simply as a transcription of something but as an actual material object. It’s like the wafer and the wine, which stand in for the body and blood of Christ. Here’s a photograph that stands in for the body pictured. The photograph starts performing or enacting something. It was a different way to think about what photographs do. They are material objects that have a force; they assert themselves.

J.G. Did it change the way you took photos?

J.R. No, not necessarily. But it changed the way I thought of photographs and death – the understanding of the photograph being tied up with death. It actually shifted that. I don’t think that all photographs are memento mori simply because they’re always about the past, and the past is irretrievably gone. I think photographs are distinct from their referent or subject. They enter a present as their own object. Curiously though, I have never actually printed this photograph. It’s presented as a lightbox. So it’s remained a spectral thing, a kind of emanation of something, ghostly – disembodied.

b.1961, Cape Town

To Jo Ratcliffe, photography is “largely about guarding against loss,” of giving to memory an image, that it might be kept safe from forgetting. Her photographs more often speak of events past, considering the traces southern Africa’s recent conflicts have left on the land. She returns time and again to Angola, which remained at war for twenty-seven years, from the War of Independence, beginning in 1961, to the end of the Civil War in 2002. In 2007, she visited the country for the first time. “Until then, in my imagination,” Ratcliffe writes, “Angola had been an abstract place…it was simply 'the border'. It remained, for me, largely a place of myth.” Absence is inscribed into all her photographs of that country, absence and the persistent presence of wars’ aftermath. More often, her titles alone establish their significance. Dusty landscapes are revealed to be minefields, rocky outcrops the sites of mass graves. The atrocities of the past, now mute, are evoked in the bleak emptiness of the scenes she pictures. Ratcliffe, preoccupied by all that photography necessarily leaves out, considers silence implicit to her medium. “I try to work in an area between the things we know and things we don't know, what sits outside the frame…these oblique and furtive ‘spaces of betweenness’.”

A String of Pearls
Lemeeze Davids

A mollusc cannot remove or erase a disturbance, but it can transform it into an iridescent object. Looking at how vulnerabilities can be processed over time, six artworks are strung together as pearls. – October 25, 2024

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A String of Pearls
Lemeeze Davids
A mollusc cannot remove or erase a disturbance, but it can transform it into an iridescent object. Looking at how vulnerabilities can be processed over time, six artworks are strung together as pearls. – October 25, 2024
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The pearl, an irritant held within a soft inner world, is a convalescence.

Protection is the first priority, but out of the process comes a glistening rounded object, a metaphor for something valuable, innocent.

There is a commonly held belief that a grain of sand is the usual catalyst, but a pearl can be created from any organic material or damage to the mollusc's body. The pearl is the antithesis of a lacuna.

The saying, “The world is your oyster,” came from Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602): “Why then, the world's mine oyster,/Which I with sword will open."

My initial sense was that the saying alluded to ‘a world of possibilities’, so it shocked me that the aphorism was born of the sentiment of ‘you cannot remove a pearl without force.’

Artwork photograph that shows Peter Clarke’s acrylic painting ‘Anxiety’ from the Customs exhibition in A4’s Gallery, which shows a group of figures arranged on a hilltop.

Anxiety – Clarke's “hot blazing anger and frustration” envelope a luminous orb. The planes of brilliant reds and vermillion of the sky are layered, as the folds of any oyster’s mantle; holding the trepidation.

The painting, created in the context of 1967, references the anxiety as the Group Areas Act led to Simon’s Town being declared a whites-only suburb. The anticipation of displacement calcified in the community.

Artwork photograph that shows Ezrom Legae’s bronze sculpture ‘Face’ from the Customs exhibition in A4’s Gallery, sitting on a white surface.

Baroque pearls, so named after the French word meaning 'irregularly shaped', can range from subtle teardrop shapes to totally non-spherical mutations. Ezrom Legae’s Face reminds me of this, rounded in its irregularity, organically geometric.

Seemingly turned over and over in the artist’s hands in its terracotta draft, “one becomes aware that an ordinary physical substance is being transformed into something spiritual and meaningful," EJ de Jager wrote of Legae’s work.

Disturbed by the oppression and the degradation of his people under apartheid and post-apartheid, Legae noted of the intentions of his practice, “People can change, but masters cannot. Change doesn’t happen overnight.”

A mollusc can process a vulnerability in four months, but more often, it can take many years. Revisiting the intrusion again and again, coating it once more to soften the disturbance.

For ninety-two days, Sophie Calle records the anticipation of meeting a lover, only to be met with heartbreak when he doesn’t show up. Exquisite Pain documents the pearl of her grief, transforming each time she re-tells the story. Of her process, Calle considers the final product: “I live the happy moments, the sad ones, I exploit for artistic reasons, to turn them into a piece."

Once believed to be the tears of Eve or Aphrodite, pearls are created out of tremendous discomfort which is sublimated into something iridescent, of high value.

Installation photograph that shows a book from Sophie Calle’s installation ‘Exquisite Pain’ resting on a forward slanting wall-mounted shelf.

A pearl’s iridescence is created by the overlapping of consecutive layers of nacre (calcium carbonate), which refracts light that falls on its surface.

These numerous bands, which wrap around the vulnerability, interfere with different wavelengths of light from different angles, creating luster.

Jo Ractliffe’s photographic print ‘Love’s Body’ depicts the face of a deceased dog protruding from a blanket in a partially uncovered dirt grave.

I didn’t have that kind of moment, of parting... I suppose when you lose something or someone very special. He was so present in various parts of my life over the last ten years, spatially – the way that I moved in the house, in the garden, so much in my life was governed by his great big body.
– Jo Ractliffe

An excerpt from a conversation with Jo Ractliffe, Josh Ginsburg, and Francisco Berzunza, held in person and online in preparation for You to Me, Me to You, 1 June 2023.

David Goldblatt's monochrome photograph's monochrome photograph '“Lashing” shovels retrieved from underground. Every grain of sand in the yellow tailings dumps that made the Witwatersrand landscape and every grain of gold that made its wealth, came from a rock off a black man’s shovel underground. Central Salvage Yard, Randfontein Estates, Randfontein, 1966' shows a heap of shovels.

The pearl is a demonstration on how time and repetition can transmute pain into beauty, not by erasing the original wound, but by giving it new meaning through successive layers of reflection and refraction.

It is the opposite of a hole, it is the calcification of ruptured space.
