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CCA Internship 2020
Workshop 1 April–7 August 2020
Title CCA Internship 2020 Dates 1 April–7 August 2020 Location Offsite Tagline Kay'leigh Fisher and Thabang Kanyane join A4 as interns from UCT’s Centre for Curating the Archive to workshop their contributions to the programme. Credits

CCA coordinator:
Nina Liebenberg

heeten bhagat

CCA Interns:
Kay'leigh Fisher
Thabang Kanyane

The Academy at A4 Arts provides interns from UCT's Centre for Curating the Archive (CCA) with mentoring support as they workshop ideas and strategies towards the completion of their respective degree programmes.

Kay’leigh Fisher's research, titled FOMO: What is Happening in Places No One is Looking?, maps performance/live art and forms of contemporary expression and curatorial interventions as defined by artists born and working on the continent in countries that are not defined as art capitals of Africa.

For me, I just wanted to work. I wanted to get out of this theory-based thinking about and learning about how other people work and actually getting into the working environment myself...being in the A4 space and meeting new people and actually making connections...we’ve built a relationship with process, I think. Because now we don’t even care about what’s gonna come out of it, we’re just like, 'Ah, this is fun. Let’s see what this can bring out'.

Thabang Kanyane’s research project maps contemporary experimental curatorial practices and takes the form of a zine which discusses these practices globally, focusing on projects which took place between 2018 and 2021.

Something I think I gained the most [during the internship at A4] was independence. In my previous university experience, for, like, the first two years, I couldn’t do much without getting approval from my lecturers.
